What is Product Tracker?

The most complete method for monitoring a collection of items' performance over time is the Product Tracker. To find promising prospects and develop a effective plan to succeed on Amazon.

Identifying trends

By tracking product data over time, you can identify trends and patterns in the market, helping you make informed decisions about which products to sell.

Tracking competitors’ activity

Product Tracker allows you to track the performance of your competitors' products, including sales and inventory levels, helping you stay ahead of the competition.


Organize and cluster products

Group similar products together to view aggregated metrics in a streamlined interface. Easily rearrange the order of products within a group by dragging and dropping, and customize the columns to display the data that is most relevant to you.

Export Product tracking

Streamline the management of your product research. Download the CSV file containing your Product Tracker group stats. To utilize for more investigation and analysis, export table and graph data.