About Google Trends

Google Trends enables you to view the products people are searching for practically instantly as market dynamics change. To decide which category to target for a forthcoming product launch, analyze category performance together with past trend data.

Get information on past patterns

Examine the daily Amazon category and subcategory purchase patterns. The top 100 goods in a certain category or subcategory are revealed by Google Trends in order to demonstrate how a particular product has evolved over time and to provide light on consumer demand.

Verify product concepts with performance data

Verify product ideas viewing  category performance metrics like price, review, rating, and rank. Using data down to a specific subcategory, add new products to your current portfolio to increase its size.

Track product rankings

View charts that display an ASIN's previous monthly rank. Determine the directionality of items in the market, keep an eye on rank variations, such as low-ranking products that are gaining traction or high-ranking products that are losing appeal.

Implement study findings

Continue your product study and test concepts with supplementary Uneekli tools. Save and monitor product ideas effortlessly, or go right into keyword research with Uneekli.