What is the Chrome Extension?

Sellers can launch the Chrome extension for Amazon FBA that is accessible from their web browser to gather data about a specific product. The Chrome Extension for Amazon FBA is an effective tool that is used to evaluate product opportunities, analyze each product sales and reviews, and determine product’s opportunity score list.

Importance of Chrome Extension to Amazon and Noon Sellers

·         Identify and maximize your selling opportunities with an accelerated product research

·         Analyze consumer demands in detail & consumer market in a nutshell

·         Reviewing products in detail and gaining valuable insight

·         A quick & easy way to estimate your potential products

Every tool you need in one convenient place

Opportunity Score

To determine a product's potential, this metric combines demand, competition, and listing quality data.

Keyword Cloud

Use Uneekli’s Keyword Cloud Chrome extension for Amazon FBA to view all the keywords used to describe a product. This functionality will help you construct powerful keyword lists that will help your products rank higher in Amazon search results.

Trusted by leading brands

Google Trends

With Google trends, you can measure the search volume for a particular product over a selected period of time. It allows you to view how often keywords, subjects or phrases have been queried.

ASIN Grabber

You can easily find sponsored and organic products for your targeted ads with ASIN Grabber, as well as save for future reference product research and top performing keywords for wining products. Each product is accessible to its amazon page when you click the ASIN number

The tiny “Arrow” button next to the product Image, will list other products or same products with different color/size/ specific to be display to the subscriber in a drop-down menu.

Download CSV

Subscribers have the option to download all the information presented into an excel sheet for future reference.

Download Screenshot

Subscribers have the option to download all the insights as a screenshot for future reference.


Filter Results of the product

You can easily find sponsored and organic products for your targeted ads with ASIN Grabber, as well as save for future reference product research and top performing keywords for wining products. Each product is accessible to its amazon page when you click the ASIN number

The tiny “Arrow” button next to the product Image, will list other products or same products with different color/size/ specific to be display to the subscriber in a drop-down menu.

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This is what our esteemed clients have to say

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Download the Chrome Extension

Build, scale and grow your Amazon or Noon business with powerful product research tools directly on your browser.