What are Alerts?

Uneekli Alerts keeps sellers notified if there have been any changes to any Amazon product. Customize your product alerts, monitor your competitor’s product listings, titles, price changes, images ranking and product rating.

Customize product notifications

Set alert notifications to Amazon products for changes in price, product title, images, product ratings, category, new sellers and much more. Keep track of changes to Amazon items and stay ahead of your competition.

Stay notified with review chances

Activate Uneekli alert system, monitor the success of your products, receive alerts, stay informed with new reviews and overall star rating.

Track alterations in your competitors' listings.

If you're searching for your initial item to offer for sale or expanding your business by introducing new products, it's essential to keep an eye on the competition on Amazon. Creating personalized alerts will allow you to conveniently monitor modifications to your competitors' product listings and prices.

Track daily snapshots

Examine your overall success by sending regular emails. A Sales Snapshot provides an overview of the financial situation and product sales over time. An Alerts Snapshot provides inventory reorder information while keeping track of changes in rating, Buy Box ownership, and product availability.